Motorists Over 30 Penalty Points – Driving Instructors Newbury

It has been revealed via DVLA records that there are currently as many as 46 drivers on UK roads that have accumulated 30 points on their license but are still legally permitted to drive. One of these motorists is still allowed behind the wheel despite being 5 times over the penalty point threshold with a total of 68 points on his license, eclipsing the legal limit of 12. But this kind of excess isn’t limited to just one driver. A further five UK motorists managed to get at least 51 points added to their license, and an additional 39 motorists have between 30 and 50 points! There are over 8,200 drivers in England, including Newbury, alone that are on or above 12 points on their license. This is 6,837 men, and 1,400 women. (I wonder whether you find the gap between sexes surprising.)

So how has this happened? According to a spokesman from the DVLA ‘The statistics provided are likely to include cases where drivers have received court sentences including disqualification, supervision orders, community punishment orders or imprisonment.’ They continued to say ‘In the majority of these cases, magistrates may have decided to allow drivers to retain their entitlement to drive where it is considered that disqualification would cause exceptional hardship.’ But is this fair? And is the number of drivers that accumulate these vast amounts of penalty points a sobering indication of how many driving schools and examiners allow unfit motorists to attain their driving licenses?

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